How To Create Unpredictable and Strong Password


 How To Create Unpredictable and Strong Password

How To Create Unpredictable and Strong Password

Creating strong passwords may seem like a daunting task, especially when the recommendation is to have a unique password for each site you visit. Anyone would be overwhelmed if they had to create and memorize multiple passwords like Wt4e-79P-B13^qS.

As a result, you may be using one identical password even though you know it’s unsafe and that if it gets compromised all of your web information is exposed. Or you use several passwords, but they are all short simple words or include numbers that relate to your life they are still too easy to guess. Or, if you made hard to remember passwords (probably because your business or a website forced you to) then you likely have a list of the passwords right next to your computer - even though you know this also compromises your safety if others use your computer or phone.

How to Keep a Strong Password Secure

So you've settled on a password that's the perfect length, obscure, and mixes letters, numbers, and cases. You're on the right track, but not to total password security just yet. 

Don’t reuse your passwords. If you’re using the same password across email, shopping, and other websites holding sensitive personal data (or even a local community website) and one of those experiences a breach, you’ve now exposed the other services to the risk of being breached as well.

Don’t write your passwords down. In can be tempting, especially in the workplace, to keep track of passwords f the old-fashioned way, but these are easily discovered.

Don’t share your passwords. This one is a no-brainer, and if you must share, change it as soon as possible.

Use password generators to set your passwords. It is mostly advice that you use the password generators from google to set your passwords.

Use a password manager. There are many apps and websites that store your passwords securely. (one best examples is Dashlane)

Creating a Unique Password

The secret to creating a hard-to-crack password that’s unique and easy to remember is to focus on making it memorable and making it hard to guess. Here are some few examples:

2BorNot2B_ThatIsThe? (To be or not to be, that is the question - from Shakespeare)

L8r_L8rNot2day (Later, later, not today - from the kid's rhyme)

4Score&7yrsAgo (Four score and seven years ago - from the Gettysburg Address)

John3:16=4G (Scriptural reference)

14A&A41dumaS (one for all and all for 1 - from The Three Musketeers, by Dumas)

ABT2_uz_AMZ! (About to use Amazon)

ABT2_uz_BoA! (About to use Bank of America)

Pwrd4Acct-$$ (Password for account at the bank)

Pwrd4Acct-Fb (Password for a Facebook account)

You’re now ready to create your own strong, long, memorable mixed-character passwords using one or more of these tricks. Or, create your own system- C?U2canCRE8Pwords;-) (See? You too can create passwords☺). Now, share the tips with others, just dont share your passwords!

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